صفحه اصلی تقویم اقتصادی تحلیل رمزارزها (Cryptocurrency) تحلیل طلا (Gold) تحلیل فارکس (Forex) ارتباط با من درباره من
تحلیل رمزارزها (Cryptocurrency) :: سایت تحلیل بورس، فارکس و ارز دیجیتال حمید راحت حق| Rahathagh.ir

اخبار و تحلیل نموداری و تکنیکالی بازارهای مالی دنیا اعم از بازار بورس داخلی، بازار فارکس، بازار طلا و بازار ارز دیجیتال و رمزارزها و روانشناسی بازار

۲۲۹ مطلب با موضوع «تحلیل رمزارزها (Cryptocurrency)» ثبت شده است

KFC Canada now accepts Dogecoin

KFC Canada now accepts Dogecoin


Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) has expanded payment options for its Canadian customers through the Dogecoin digital currency.

This chain restaurant had already entered the world of crypto. In January 2018, KFC Canada launched the "Bitcoin Bucket" ad, which could be purchased with BTC via BitPay. However, this was only a temporary marketing ploy.

Dogecoin's acceptance has made significant progress recently. Mark Kuban, Newegg electronics retailer and EasyDNS internet service provider, are among the latest big letters to welcome the token.

۱۶ ارديبهشت ۰۰ ، ۱۹:۳۱
حمید راحت حق

Ethereum will soon be $ 10,000! Wednesday, May 5

Ethereum will soon be $ 10,000! Wednesday, May 5


Ethereum (ETH), the second largest cryptocurrency on the market, could soon reach $ 10,000. In fact, ether prices have risen sharply over the past two years. This rate has been steadily increasing to more than 343% to date.

According to CoinGecko, the price of ether at the time of writing is $ 3,380.

Sheldon Evans, YouTuber, a digital currency, in a video titled "Ethereum Up to 10,000?" - An event for massive growth! Explained to cryptocurrency Ether analysis and the possibilities of converting Ethereum to Bitcoin.

۱۵ ارديبهشت ۰۰ ، ۲۰:۰۳
حمید راحت حق

Parliament's master plan for digital currencies is nearing completion

Parliament's master plan for digital currencies is nearing completion


The head of the Foreign Exchange Code and Blockchain Commission in the country's computer trade union organization says that the plan that was presented to the parliament more than a year ago is now approaching its final stage in the parliament and will be read in the open court of the parliament soon. He hopes that this plan, with the help of parliamentarians, will solve the problems of cryptocurrencies in Iran and its activists. He emphasizes that they are strongly opposed to parts of its clauses and are trying to correct it. After presenting this plan, it has been reviewed in several joint meetings between the parliament and Nasr Keshvar specialized commission and the extraction working group of the Association of Block Chain Technologists.

"Abbas Ashtiani", the head of the Foreign Exchange and Blockchain Encryption Commission of the Iranian Computer Guild Organization, said: Know the currency code well between government and government institutions.

He says that the plan they have put forward has been heard by businesses related to the field and interested parties or their representatives, and the Fintech Association of Iran is now aware of the text. He emphasizes that the need for empathy is already felt for the consensus of all activists on this plan. Ashtiani says that the current plan has changed a lot compared to the past and disappointing sentences have been added to it, and they are trying to clear up the ambiguities and dark points.

Ashtiani says they are trying to remove the ban on exchanging cryptocurrencies from the final text to be presented to parliament because they insist their work would have been in vain if it had existed. He also emphasizes that they have achieved other things that they hope will be included in the final text:

"We are trying to make the Central Bank and the Exchange Organization the reference for formulating the requirements for the exchange of cryptocurrencies inside the country, and the Ministry of Silence to be responsible for issuing licenses for cryptocurrency farms." "We also want to make the amount of cryptocurrency revenue in the country transparent so that a better green light can be given to these activities in the country."

According to Ashtiani, the total value of the cryptocurrency market in the world is estimated at $ 350 billion with a daily turnover of $ 53 billion, and bitcoin alone holds 57% of this market: "The annual amount of legal cryptocurrency extraction in Iran is legal and illegal. "It is estimated at $ 285 million. Of the 324,000 bitcoins mined annually in the world, 19,500 are mined in Iran."

He says that given that to date the Ministry of Petroleum is a branch of this unsold industry, they are trying to deliver industrial gas to the miners so that they can generate electricity for themselves.

Ashtiani, in response to the question whether the Currency Code and Blockchain Commission of the Computer Industry Organization of the country, alone and without the knowledge of other commissions and institutions related to this field, have taken steps on this plan or not, says that they They have stepped forward and since then to this day, they have talked to various institutions about its shortcomings in order to achieve the best results.

He emphasizes that regulatory issues are not limited to a specific province, and that these decisions are made at the national level: "The structures of Nasr Keshvari associations and specialized commissions are much better for proposing such plans. "However, from the very beginning until today, we have always invited all the associations and smaller commissions to be with us."

Ashtiani emphasizes that Nasr Keshvar's efforts, along with other relevant teams, are nearing their final stage, and at the present time, all actors in this ecosystem must help each other to achieve better results through parliament and legislation to decipher currencies:

"The door of the blockchain and cryptocurrency commission of the country's computer trade union system is open to all those interested in activities and role-playing, and in the absence of activists, the effect will be unkind and shows pride and results in nothing but damage to the entire ecosystem." . »




طرح جامع مجلس برای ارزهای دیجیتال به مرحله نهایی خود نزدیک می شود

رئیس کمیسیون رمز ارز و بلاکچین در سازمان نظام صنفی رایانه‌ای کشور می‌گوید طرحی که بیش از یک سال پیش به مجلس ارائه داده‌اند حالا در مجلس به مرحله نهایی خود نزدیک می‌شود و قرار است به زودی در صحن علنی مجلس قرائت شود. او ابراز امیدواری می‌کند که این طرح بتواند با مساعدت نمایندگان مجلس، مشکلات رمزارزها در ایران و فعالان را برطرف کند. او تاکید دارد آنها با بخش‌هایی از بندهای آن به شدت مخالف هستند و سعی در اصلاح آن دارند. این طرح پس از ارائه، در چندین جلسه مشترک بین مجلس و کمیسیون تخصصی نصر کشور و کارگروه استخراج انجمن فناوران زنجیره بلوک بررسی شده است.

«عباس آشتیانی»، رئیس کمیسیون رمز ارز و بلاکچین سازمان نظام صنفی رایانه‌ای کشور گفت : آنها به عنوان کمیسیون رمز ارز و بلاکچین برای تدوین آیین‌نامه‌ها و دستورالعمل‌های مختلف پیرامون رمز ارزها در بخش‌های مختلف دولت و حاکمیت وارد تعامل شدند و طی این سالها توانستند جایگاه رمز ارز را در بین نهادهای دولتی و حاکمیتی به خوبی بشناسانند.

او می‌گوید طرحی که آنها پیش برده‌اند به سمع و نظر کسب‌وکارهای مرتبط با حوزه و علاقه‌مند یا نمایندگان آنها رسیده و انجمن فین‌تک ایران نیز در حال حاضر از متن آن آگاهی لازم را دارد. او تاکید دارد هم‌اکنون نیاز به همدلی برای اجماع نظر همه فعالین در مورد این طرح حس می‌شود. آشتیانی می‌گوید طرح فعلی تغییرات زیادی نسبت به گذشته پیدا کرده و جملات نا امید کننده ای در آن اضافه شده است و آنها سعی دارند تا ابهامات و نکات تاریک آن را برطرف و روشن کنند.

آشتیانی می‌گوید آنها در تلاش هستند تا ممنوعیت مبادله رمز ارز را از متن نهایی که قرار است در مجلس ارائه شود حذف کنند چرا که تاکید دارند اگر این ممنوعیت وجود داشته باشد، کارشان در این مدت بیهوده بوده است. او همچنین تاکید دارد که آنها به موارد دیگری نیز دست پیدا کرده‌اند که امیدوار هستند در متن نهایی آورده شود:

«سعی داریم بانک مرکزی و سازمان بورس مرجع تدوین الزامات مبادلات رمز ارزها در داخل کشور باشد و وزارت صمت نیز مسئول صدور مجوز مزارع رمز ارزها شود. همچنین می‌خواهیم میزان درآمد رمز ارزها در کشور را شفاف سازی کنیم تا چراغ سبز بهتری نسبت به این فعالیت‌ها در کشور داده شود.»

به گفته آشتیانی ارزش کل بازار رمز ارز در دنیا ۳۵۰ میلیارد دلار و با گردش روزانه ۵۳ میلیارد دلار تخمین زده می‌شود و بیت کوین به تنهایی ۵۷ درصد این بازار را در اختیار دارد: «میزان استخراج سالیانه رمز ارز به طور قانونی و غیرقانونی در ایران ۲۸۵ میلیون دلار  تخمین زده می‌شود در حال حاضر از ۳۲۴ هزار بیت کوین استخراجی سالانه دنیا ۱۹۵۰۰ مورد در ایران استخراج می‌شود.»

او می‌گوید با توجه به این که تا به امروز وزارت نفت یک انشعاب به این صنعت نفروخته در تکاپوی این هستند تا گاز صنعتی را به دست ماینرها برسانند تا بتوانند از آن برای خودشان برق تولید کنند.

آشتیانی در پاسخ به این پرسش که آیا کمیسیون رمز ارز و بلاکچین سازمان نظام صنفی رایانه‌ای کشور به تنهایی و بدون آگاهی دیگر کمیسیون‌ها و نهادهای مرتبط با این حوزه پیرامون این طرح قدم برداشته یا خیر، می‌گوید که آنها نزدیک به دو سال پیش برای این موضوع پا پیش گذاشته‌اند و از آن زمان تا به امروز با نهادهای مختلف پیرامون کم و کیف آن صحبت کردند تا به بهترین نتیجه برسند.

او تاکید دارد که موضوعات رگولاتوری فقط مربوط به یک استان خاص نمی‌شود و این تصمیم‌گیری‌ها در لایه کشوری قرار می‌گیرد: «ساختار های انجمن‌ها و کمیسیون‌های تخصصی نصر کشوری برای پیشنهاد چنین طرح‌هایی بسیار بهتر است. هرچند ما از همان ابتدای راه تا به امروز همواره از تمام انجمن‌ها و کمیسیون‌های کوچکتر دعوت کردیم تا در کنار ما باشند.»

آشتیانی تاکید دارد که زحمات نصر کشور در کنار سایر تیم‌های مربوطه به مرحله نهایی خود نزدیک شده و در برهه زمانی حاضر باید تمام بازیگران این اکوسیستم به هم کمک کنند تا بتوان نتیجه بهتری را از طریق مجلس و قانون‌گذاری برای رمز ارزها حاصل کرد:

«درب کمیسیون بلاکچین و رمزارز نظام صنفی رایانه ای کشور به روی همه علاقه‌مندان به فعالیت و نقش آفرینی باز است و در صورت عدم حضور فعالین انتظار تاثیر گذاری کم لطفی خواهد بود و نشان از غرور دارد و نتیجه ای جز آسیب به کل زیست بوم ندارد.»


۱۵ ارديبهشت ۰۰ ، ۱۹:۲۱
حمید راحت حق

Bitcoin reaches $ 300,000 in this cycle ,May4

Bitcoin reaches $ 300,000 in this cycle

Leading strategist and trader Michaël van de Poppe has made a big prediction of bitcoin.

In a new video, Van de Pope discusses the ups and downs of the crypto cow cycle and explains why now is a dangerous time to bet on the bear market.

"If you want to bet on a bear market, bet on something that doesn't happen very often. If you do this, you are betting against the general market trend.

I'm pretty sure we're in a bull cycle, and betting on a bear market is really complicated… especially in a market where the US dollar is slowly losing value…

"I think the bet you want to bet on is crypto, and I think the bet is that you want to participate in Altcoins as well."

Van de Pope believes that as the US dollar continues to depreciate and corporate money continues to flow into bitcoin, the bull market will advance, pushing the BTC price to six digits.

"Given the fact that there is more corporate money and more acceptance and more options to buy bitcoins, for example, this week Quinn Base accepted PayPal orders for bitcoins. The higher the trend, the less supply there is," he said. This means that there is currently a high demand that the lower the supply in the market, the higher the price.

You can see that the amount of bitcoin is drastically declining as it enters hardware wallets and investment targets.

Do we get $ 300,000 or $ 500,000 in bitcoin? I think we are coming, because if you look at the value of gold right now, you see that it is around $ 12 trillion. If we count it for bitcoin, we get the price of $ 500,000. So I think the peak of this cycle will be above $ 250,000 and between $ 350,000 and $ 450,000, and I think this cycle will not end by the end of this year. "I guess we will have more significant side courses."

Van de Poop also thinks about where we are now in the beef market, saying that "we are in the bubble.com in 1998 or 1999" and that the crypto market will grow by almost 500% from here.

"The crypto market will see $ 10 trillion in value in this cycle."

۱۴ ارديبهشت ۰۰ ، ۱۵:۵۶
حمید راحت حق

Phemex Exchange added Ripple and 8 other cryptocurrencies to its list

Phemex Exchange added Ripple and 8 other cryptocurrencies to its list


Phemex, the largest cryptocurrency exchange, has announced that it has added eight new cryptocurrencies to its list of supported currencies. These cryptocurrencies are available in both Spot Market and Derivatives Market. These 8 new currencies are BAT, CHZ, MANA, ENJ, SUSHI, SNX, GRT and MKR.

Following this move, FMEX will support BAT / USDT, CHZ / USDT, MANA / USDT, ENJ / USDT, SUSHI / USDT, SNX / USDT, GRT / USDT and MKR / USDT trading pairs.

The platform implements a rigorous evaluation process for its newly listed currencies. Each entry is examined carefully enough and only currencies are available to the users of this exchange that meet all the set criteria. Meanwhile, users can always provide feedback and suggestions on new features or tokens to the FMEX support team.

Ripple re-entry

Phemex was one of the exchanges that stopped XRP trading and removed this popular cryptocurrency from its list. Since then, the XRP market has returned to normal, and this fact, in turn, has influenced the decision to re-establish spot trades and XRP contracts at the FMX exchange. Users can now access XRP / USDT spot trades as well as XRP / USD linear contracts with up to 20 levers.

۱۲ ارديبهشت ۰۰ ، ۱۴:۴۰
حمید راحت حق

Michael van de Pope speaks of three currencies with high growth potential

Michael van de Pope speaks of three currencies with high growth potential


Michaël van de Poppe, a leading digital currency trader and analyst, predicts that Cardano (ADA), Litecoin (LTC) and Ziliqa (ZIL) are ready to begin the next phase of their bull cycle.

In a new video, the popular analyst told his 76,700 followers on his YouTube channel that it was time for Cardano to complete its consolidation phase against Bitcoin (ADA / BTC).

Looking at the long-term chart, the trader added that the ADA / BTC pair is still in its early stages because he believes that the pair has a lot of upside potential.

Regarding the ADA / USD currency pair, he says that the failure of the immediate resistance of this currency pair will push Cardano to the $ 2.40 level.

"I think when we break this red line ($ 1.36), we go past the previous record high, start consolidating, and then move on, because then, with the previous resistance breaking, This level becomes a strong support. Until then, we will just keep moving. "

In addition to Cardano, this strategist also monitors Litecoin. According to him, this currency is also ready to start a 65% move against Bitcoin (LTC / BTC).

Another of Van de Poop's most popular altcoins is the Ziliqa (Chinese blockchain for enterprise solutions). According to him, the ZIL / BTC currency pair is in a strong uptrend and is now ready to grow more than 120% of the current price level at 0.00000363.

۱۲ ارديبهشت ۰۰ ، ۱۲:۴۰
حمید راحت حق

An overview of the cryptocurrency market today Saturday, May 1

An overview of the cryptocurrency market today Saturday, May 1


$ 6,000 price increase for Bitcoin in two days

While the Altcoin market has seen a significant price increase recently, Bitcoin seems to have stalled. The market's first cryptocurrency, which had slumped below $ 50,000 in April, failed to rise above $ 55,000.

The bears took advantage of this BTC inability and pulled it down again, raising the price to around $ 52,000 on April 29. Since then, the bitcoin movement has reversed.

As a result of these positive developments, the asset traded at around $ 54,000 before finally starting a significant uptrend. Within hours, the cryptocurrency rose about $ 4,500, reaching its highest level since the April 18 crash.

The value of the Bitcoin market also stabilized above $ 1 trillion on this uptrend. In addition, BTC regained almost 1% of its lost dominance in the market and now stands at 49%.

New record of Ether and Bainance Quinn

Most altcoins have been on the rise recently, but perhaps none have been as significant as Ethereum, the market's second-largest currency. Atrium set several consecutive records last week. In the last 24 hours, ETH reached its latest record of just over $ 2,870 (on Bitstamp). The market's third-largest cryptocurrency, Binance Quinn, also saw a new slump. The BNB was hovering around $ 600 yesterday, but jumped more than $ 40, reaching a new record at around $ 645 (in Binance).

Ripple (4%), Polkadot (1.5%) and Bitcoin Cash (12%) are also among the top 10 green currencies today. Nevertheless, the Dodge Quinn had the most dramatic performance with a 15% increase. As a result of these developments, DOGE is trading at around $ 0.35.

DigiByte (29%), Avalanche (22%), SwissBorg (17%), OKB (17%), Ren (15%), Compound (15%), Ethereum Classic (13%), Bitcoin SV (12%), Phantom (12%) and Reserve Rights (10%) are among the currencies that have grown in double digits today.

Finally, the market capitalization has increased by $ 170 billion in two days and is well above $ 2 trillion.

۱۱ ارديبهشت ۰۰ ، ۱۳:۱۲
حمید راحت حق

Todex Exchange transferred 125 million bitcoins to Kraken Exchange before closing

Todex Exchange transferred 125 million bitcoins to Kraken Exchange before closing


Between August 2020 and February 2021, approximately 5,000 bitcoins valued at approximately $ 125 million at the time of the transaction (and more than $ 280 million at today's prices) The Thodex exchange has been transferred to the American exchange in Kraken.

White Stream, which has a contract with the Israeli Ministry of Defense, said it appeared to be a "cash withdrawal operation" by Todex. In other words, Todex may have stolen bitcoins from its customers before sending them money and sent them to Kraken for recovery.

According to Levy, a set of Bitcoin wallet addresses controlled by Todex, through an intermediary wallet set, sent the bitcoins to the destination address. Most of this money has also been transferred to Cracken.

"The bottom line is that Cracken has received a lot of bitcoins from Todex customers," Levy told the Decree news website.

Asked if there was an honest explanation for this, Levy said: "This volume of transaction can only be justified if Todex conducted all of its financial activities through Kraken. "But that is not the case, and it is very strange."

Turkey last week arrested more than 60 people in connection with the Todex exit scam, confiscated the company's computers and froze the company's bank accounts.

On Thursday, six others were jailed on suspicion of involvement in the scam, including family members of Faruk Fatih Ozer, the exchange's managing director, who fled to Albania shortly before the exchange closed. Turkey has reportedly demanded Ozer's arrest. Ozer claims that the exchange's problems are related to a cyber attack, not a scam.

۱۱ ارديبهشت ۰۰ ، ۱۳:۰۳
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A $ 1 billion investment in cryptography by Andreessen Horowitz is on the way.

A $ 1 billion investment in cryptography by Andreessen Horowitz is on the way.


VC plans to raise a significant amount of money for cryptocurrency investments.

According to an article in the Financial Times or FT, VC company Andreessen Horowitz reports that it is now raising funds for another fund, given its previous involvement in cryptography.

"The new fund is the third that Andrissen has focused on investing in cryptocurrencies," FT wrote on Friday. "Given the knowledge of the four people about the process, his goal is to raise $ 800 million to $ 1 billion from investors."

Venture Capital, or VC, also operates under the name a16z. It is active in cryptography and blockchain and has invested in a number of projects. The program aims to divert the fund's capital to crypto and digital asset projects, the FT reported.

VC was also a heavy investor in Coinbase, which was recently released on April 14. According to the FT, Anderson sold about $ 120 million of his Coinbase stock, although he had about $ 11 billion in assets at the time of listing.

In April 2020, news headlines were published about the $ 450 million follow-up by the foundation for the second special fund. The company eventually secured $ 515 million.

The entire cryptographic space has seen significant capital inflows throughout the year. The valuation of the market ceiling shows the industry's $ 2 trillion in assets, which it achieved in April 2021.

۱۱ ارديبهشت ۰۰ ، ۱۲:۵۳
حمید راحت حق

Stock Exchange Commission (SEC): Are Ripple activities related to XRP token price?

Stock Exchange Commission (SEC): Are Ripple activities related to XRP token price?


Ripple's exploratory feuds with the US Securities and Exchange Commission are heating up with another letter to Judge Sarah Netborn, defending the decision to contact foreign lawmakers.

The agency claims that it seeks information from overseas entities to refute some of the company's key defenses.

In particular, it is trying to find out whether Ripple activities are related to the price of the XRP token. Obtaining daily trading data from foreign exchange offices is the only way to determine this. Because defendants claim that they are the only sources of pricing information:

"In addition, there is a growing demand for evidence for Ripple's defense. One of these cases is Ripple's defense, which claims that the price of XRP is not determined by Ripple activity. D.E. "51 ¶ 13, a defense to which the daily trading price of XRP on foreign platforms (used by Ripple, which Ripple says is the only source of this pricing information) is unquestionably relevant."

The SEC application is not legally binding

The Securities and Exchange Commission claims to be seeking information from 20 foreign entities and their affiliates.

The statement said foreign entities could reject MOU requests if they thought they were "heavy" or "inappropriate".

Ripple's lawyers claimed in their letter that more than 20 SEC targets are based in the United Kingdom, Singapore and Japan, countries where local lawmakers have recognized that XRP is not a security.

۱۰ ارديبهشت ۰۰ ، ۱۷:۱۶
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